Friday, September 30, 2011

Scrap booking: My Memories

I'm in Luv!!

After the county fair, I overheard someone remark about how many people are into digital scrap booking on their computer.  Really?  I wondered. Hmmmmmm. I have always enjoyed the mess of scrap booking. I simply adore picking out the paper, finding embellishments, and turning things this way and that. It's part of the fun!  But....I could think of some who would rather not have the mess but, rather, would enjoy doing scrap booking on their computer (hi Mom!).  

I have been messing around with a program I down loaded from My Memories.  I. Love. it.

Look at what I did!

Okay, I can't answer for the top line...but I CAN fix it.  I was able to download a recent photo of my daughter, crop another girl out of it, and enlarge it.

Next, I downloaded the (curiously named!)"Autumn Rose" paper (I got it for FREE on their website)and put it on top of her picture. I found the ribbon and made it fit to size.  Lastly, I picked out a font and color, typed in her name and then added shadowing with another color.

I could print it out or have them print it, bind it, display it on this blog...the possibilities are only limited to what I need and my own creativity.

Of course, I'm just learning how to do this...but it was so easy to change things!  I actually tried out several different kinds of ribbons.  I could have added a button or many, many, many other possibilities.

Once you pay for and download their program, there are a good amount of papers and whole sets of papers that you can get for free, or at really inexpensive prices.  
I made this the cover of an album-the computer can "cut" your picture into cool shapes!!
The wording on the left is something you can just add instead of doing it yourself.
Got a little dot crazy here--kept adding and adding!!  Oh! And I did add buttons.
Here is how a page out of this album looks before I add my own pictures, wording, embellishments, and etc.
I have been having a lot of fun just playing with this program from My Memories.  In fact, even though at first glance I would not have thought this would be for me...I can see how I could use it.  My daughter goes to the TeenPact National Convention and takes 300 pictures every year.  I could take out the ones we don't like and then just have the computer add the pictures to a set of templates.  Ta da!! Album complete. OR we could add the pictures and then go thru each page adding details, wording, or embellishments. She can email it to all of her friends to enjoy.  We could go ahead and get one printed and bound for her.  I know she would love to add the feature where it plays music, runs a video, wow!!

Okay....I'm gushing. ;)  I told you I was in luv.

Fixed it!


Otto said...

I took over 1,000 at the last TPNC I went to. 300 is an understatement. ;)

Otto said...

Actually, I took over 1,000 photos at TPNC this year. 300 is an understatement. ;)