Thursday, January 05, 2012

The school room

I might be in danger 
of over doing one of my New Year Resolutions...
having more fun...
but it is just sooo much fun to have fun!!

Cleaning / Organizing:  The schoolroom!
** My son is allergic to our schoolroom **
After taking out the allergy-aggravating rug
 out of the schoolroom,
I realized there was still a lot to do in there.

I opened up the vent registers on the floor
and cleaned out the vents-
as far as I could reach / vacuum.
I disinfected  and sprayed with Febreeze...
 just because it seemed like a good idea.

Next, I inserted some vent filters
into those floor vents and replaced the covers.
These special filters should
filter out the allergy producing elements
blowing through my floor vents.

A quick hand vacuum
around the vents...
and it was done.
I'm getting there.

Scrap booking!

Of course, cleaning always brings out 
the restless artist in me...
How sad...such a plain cork board.
 I looked through my papers and found this....
This looks good for a school room cork board!
This paper is from BoBunny.
 oh! And this one too!!
This will be perfect for a border.
This paper is from BoBunny.
And the ideas started!
If you noticed in the photo above, 
scrap book paper sometimes has a white strip
 across the top-
I trimmed that off.
There!  All better now.

 Then I vertically centered 2 of the dark papers.
They will be the main feature of the cork board.
As you can see...
I measured to figure out how much
 of the other paper would be needed.
I actually rounded up the number to two inches
on each of the top and the bottom spaces.
That way I was sure the border paper would not come up short.

Then I put the border paper into my cutter and cut each strip to 2 inches.

 Then I placed and spaced them out so they would (hopefully) blend together nicely.

Next, I got out the spray adhesive.
The can was a bit wonky from this summer's 4H posters...
but I managed to get enough out!
I laid down some scrap paper to protect my surface.
I usually grab some old newspapers.

The first time I went looking for spray adhesive,
nobody knew what I was talking about.
This was some years ago.
(Getting used to that--I'll tell you about looking for
a special type of wall board (used in schools) some other time!)
I ended up in a special artistic shop.
Now it's everywhere.
That's super nice!

Basically, it's aerosol glue.  I could have used any number of kinds of glue
 but this is just easier for large areas.

Ta Da!!
The border is done.

The best part of spray adhesive
is that it remains "tacky" for awhile.
I was able to move the pieces around a bit
before I decided everything looked good.

Next, I sprayed the 2 black papers...

Now for the frosting on the cake...

The lower right side:
(I used Bo Bunny stickers)
a glittery pencil,
an old library check out card
and a sparkly pile of books...

The upper left side:

Again, using Bo Bunny stickers,
a glittery apple, 
a flash card
and 1,2,3 buttons.

I added a little bow...
the ends are flying around. :)

That didn't take very long!
I just need to hang it up now.

You know...
it might be too pretty to use.

I have other cork boards....
I would LUV it if someone would give me 
a suggestion...??
a comment...??
an idea...??
about how to do it better-
or for more clever ideas!
Better yet....
send me a photo of something you made!!

I'm waiting......

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Hey , this is really cute! what a great idea. I never used spray adhesive. Thanks so much for your visit:)