Sweet Mystery of Blogs...
What was this picture about anyways??
Amy Butler fabric!!
So beautiful.
It was a wee surprise that I had for Rose...
Ta Da!
A new dress...
Our Sewing Corral is going out of business in town
so I took the opportunity to buy some fabric for a new dress
for my darling daughter...
She loved it!
It's so fun to surprise her...
She had a few more gifts as well...
Her literary society's mascot is an owl.
Emmaline helped me pick them out.
So Sweet!
She had a few more surprises...
a bit o'local coffee...
in a favorite blend!
She also got something special from here...
Soap and lotion
made from goat's milk

I hope they don't mind me advertising a bit for them...
but this is a lovely family that works
:: together ::
to make amazing
goat's milk soap, lotion, powders, bath salts, salt scrubs,
lip balms, body butter and baby products...
You can also find other features such as
recipes and a blog...
everything this family does is for the glory of the Lord!
Our family loves them dearly
and I know you will as well...
please check them out here at their website
You've finally unlocked the mystery of the fabric...
Isn't life sweet?
I hope you have a day filled with happiness!
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