So just where were we at yesterday?
Oh yesssss..........
Admiring my lovely bathroom cabinet.
:: Happiness ::
Oh! And my beautiful new tub and pails from Brodders Tubs!
Where did everything go?
Surely it didn't fit into those little tubs!?!
I purged a lot.
I moved a few things!
See here below...
Items that were used a lot by the sinks got moved...
to under the sinks.
I know!
Such clever thinking.... ;)
So now you can see my husband's Listerine (he's so dentally fresh and clean!)
and my baby shampoo (for washing hose)
right under the sink where they are used.
The soap and extra baby shampoo are behind them in the back.
The black tray is simply a seed starter tray.
It was about a dollar.
It fit exactly.
Life is GOOD.

On the left side are little disposable cups.
I found the pitcher at the Dollar Store.
Originally I had a few ideas about what I would put those little cups into...
tall pasta type container, a pail, a basket...
but when I saw this pitcher...the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
The pitcher has a handle!
When we need more cups, it's really easy to grab the pitcher handle
and pull it up to the countertop.
See how it looks when you are standing up at the sink?
You just need to reach down,
grab the handle and those little cups are easier to handle.
So what's in the pail back there?
A GREAT DEAL of cotton swabs and a few cotton squares...
I took the swabs out of their awkward, cardboard containers
and separated them into baggies...
it's simply easier to access them in this way.
Now...down to the last question...
I JUST KNOW it's burning within you to know...
what on earth did she do with her bathroom tissue paper??
See down below?
It was all corralled together in a cute, pink basket.
But today, it is now below our other sink... la!!
I'm thinking that a bit of black spray paint will make that little box look nicer...
Now for the full effect:
Now you know what I spend my time thinking about...
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
-Helen Keller
and why not?
As a homemaker, it IS my job to think of
the little things
those things that.. even if thought of as 'just' a wee thing...
give your family greater efficiency and comfort in life...
they will see your effort
and remember that if you are concerned about the little things in their life...
you must love them
so THAT'S where my q-tips went! :0 I've been looking for them. :)
It feels so good to get organized. everything looks great. I think I need to do that today :)
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