Thursday, June 14, 2012

Not satisfied?

Aaaaaa hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

I DO have a few readers!!

And they left comments!!

Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

My readers...
(I just luv sayin' that!)
have complained that I did not explain
we are leaving.....


I kinda got carried away the other day!!

:: so ashamed ::
ha ha!!

here you go...

Reason #1
Our son.

1.  Our son has decided that home skoolin' is just not right for him...
2.  WE, his parents, have decided that public skool is just not right for him...
3.  He has told us that he wants to go to a good Christian school...
4.  We were researching and studying and trying to figure out WHERE to go...
when, one day, Robbie asked:
why can't I just go to the Bob Jones Academy in S.C.?
5.  Oh.  That's actually a good idea....we hadn't thought of that...and hmmmm....
our daughter goes to the University there...
6.  WOW!  That's a REALLY GOOD IDEA!!

Reason #2
Our Church

1.  This is a tough one...especially to explain.
2.  We do not have a home church here...we have been faithfully attending the German Baptist Church here for about 5 years.  Recently, we heard of an Independent, Fundamentalist Baptist church in Moses Lake (about 1 hour & 15 min away) and have started attending there occasionally.
3.  Being "church-less" has been hard on our children...
because we don't "belong" / aren't members anywhere.  
4.  We love, love the German Baptist Church but, quite frankly, it is different than a church we would normally attend.  In fact, the church in Moses Lake is just the kind of church we would love to attend full time.  
5.  BUT...the church in Moses Lake is brand new (1 year old) and therefore, doesn't have a school yet. 
6.  AND we don't particularly want to live in Moses Lake.  (Sorry Moses peeps!  Luv ya!!)

Reason #3
Our Home Life

1.  This is another hard try to explain how much my husband works...and how little time he has with his family...
2.  My children did not sign up for this...they were born into a family with a Mom AND a Dad...and they want both of us here...involved in their lives...
3.  Don't get this wrong, please...My husband LOVES where he works.  He LOVES what he does.  He LOVE, LOVE, LOVES his patients and everything he does...  
4.  BUT...we don't have a family life here...and I'd like the old Bob back with us...
*the guy who has time for a conversation with me...
*the guy who is relaxed and laughs and plays jokes...
*the guy who enjoys playing games with his family...
and HAS time to spend with them....
*the guy who has time to SIT AT THE DINNER TABLE...
and actually eat a meal with his family...
without doing his work on the computer...
or answering the phone in the middle of an important conversation
and having to leave...immediately
or averting some unknown crisis...
*the guy who USED to have some time for his hobbies:  
building model planes with our son...
baking cinnamon rolls with our daughters...
building something out of wood...

I want that guy back.

We haven't had a family vacation in over 3 years.
I'd like to see my husband enjoying his life...
and his children...
and having some fun...
I am

I may not have written this post
how my husband would like to see it written.

this is not his blog.


Thank you for reading this...

I'm going to go cuddle Off-see-fur Biskit now.

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