Saturday, June 09, 2012

Let the Police Blotter explain....




You aren't just a 




Well, I would like to use our local newspaper's recent Police Blotter

to help to explain WHY we are moving....

We LUV this little Norman Rockwell town.... may be wondering WHY we would leave such a sweet little place?

Are the people in your little town mean to you?

Awww...shucks, no!  The people here are just the salt-of-the-earth type...

{ A man missing his upper teeth reportedly was prowling around a complex in town. }

and pretty easy going...

A man dressed in black reportedly took some snacks from a table in a person’s backyard 

on 11th Avenue, hung out for a while and then took off.  }

And boy! The children here are just too adorbs!! 

A dime reportedly was glued to a keyhole on a door on North Alder Street so the resident 

could not get inside. }

Has the economy been hard on the farmers?

Oh my goodness!  My little town has a ginormous hay industry...

Large hay bales reportedly were blocking both lanes of Vantage Highway. }

and it looks like they are just T H R O W I N G their hay around!  They're rolling in it! 


Besides farmers...what else is there? little town has a college with state-of-the-art research labs....

A biology student reportedly was doing research in the street on North Alder Street. }

So, with a college in town, there must have a pretty lively night life...right?

Of course!

A person on Cherry Lane reported that an unknown person rings the doorbell at night. } stuff happens here all the time!

{ An octopus, that appeared to be deceased, reportedly was hanging from a tree on East 
Seattle Avenue --even though we are 200 miles and a ferry ride away from the beach! }

Aren't the winters there kind of long?
Oh, sure...but you get used to fact, cabin fever is a real disease around here...but
springtime is always the cure!
A man reportedly was running with a traffic cone on his head and stumbling into traffic on 
University Way. }

Okay, come on...there MUST be a downside...
{ A llama reportedly was running down the roadway on Smithson Road. }
okay, yeah...sometimes the animals get a bit out of control...

Does that help answer all of your questions?  
:: Clapping my hands!! ::

If you have any more just ask away!!


Terri H. said...

OK, Katiebelle.....where did it say WHY you are moving??? I looked and looked, but I saw no WHY!

Your friend,
the piano teacher

Anonymous said...

Hi Katiebelle,
OK, I am wondering: WHY are you moving? I read your post, and I see no real explanation. Did I miss it? Anyway, this piano teacher is a little upset that you are moving. Could you reconsider? You can stay at our house!


Lorie said...

Don't you just love the blotter? Fun blog!